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Economic & Community Development

Photo courtesy of Visit Las Cruces

Business registration, checklists & forms

Business registrations for the Town of Mesilla are $35 per year, and run from March 15 through March 15. All businesses (regular, Mercado, and special events) must obtain a NM CRS Tax ID number from:

New Mexico Taxation and Revenue Department
2540 El Paseo, Bldg. 2
Las Cruces, NM 88001
(575) 524-6225
OR online at:

The location code for reporting gross receipts taxes earned in the Town of Mesilla is 07-303. The current tax rate is 8.1875%

Per Mesilla Town Code Chapter 5.05.060, any business that does not renew their business license by March 15th is assessed a $10 penalty.


Business Registration
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Step 1 of 7
Check all that apply
Change in Status
Mercado Vendor Business Registration Application
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Business Registration Application is:
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Special Events
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Step 1 of 2
License valid March 15 of year applied through March 15 of following year. ($35 business license fee is required)
PLEASE NOTE: The location code for reporting gross receipts taxes earned in the Town of Mesilla is 07-303. The current tax rate is 8.1875% as of July 2015. To obtain a NM CRS Tax ID number, contact the NM Taxation and Revenue Department, 2540 El Paseo, Bldg. 2, Las Cruces, NM 88001; (575) 524-6225 or visit
Home Occupation Checklist
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Appendix A

Checklist for Compliance with MTC 18.52.030, Home Occupation General Conditions As a part of your application, first time and renewal, for a home occupation we ask that you acknowledge compliance with the following rules and regulations for home
occupations in the town of Mesilla by initialing each requirement and signing the checklist below.


I hereby state under oath that by initialing each requirement above and signing this checklist below I acknowledge that my proposed home occupation is in compliance with the rules and regulations for home occupations in the town of Mesilla and further I state under oath that my responses are true and valid:

Applicant’s Name Printed
Clear Signature
Short Term Rental Registration
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Note: Any changes to property owner information; additions to rental units; changes in number or type of rental units; parking; or any other changes to information listed on this form will require a change to the information on file with the Town.


Rental Information

Street Address of Unit
(The location code for reporting earnings received in the Town of Mesilla is 07-303)

All Short-Term-Rentals in Mesilla are also subject to Mesilla Lodger's Tax payable monthly directly to the Town.


Historic Preservation Permit
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Section 1

Property Owner(s) Name:
Property Owner(s) Name:
Property Owner(s) Name:
Name of Applicant (s)
Temporary sign permit
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Address of Applicant
Address of Business
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Sign Permit
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Name of Applicant
Address of Business
Address of Applicant

Location and description of Sign:

Include dimensions, lettering, shape, material, texture, colors, and/or finish to be used. Attach a drawing of the location of the sign, including any other advertising structures on the building or lot.

Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Special Use Permit
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Name of property owner
Physical Address
Mailing Address
Clear Signature
Zoning Permit
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Step 1 of 2
Name of Property Owner
Worksite Address
Mailing Address
Mailing Address


Garage Sale Application
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Subdivision Application
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Step 1 of 4
Request for:
Name of Applicant
Variance Application
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Name of property owner
Physical Address
Mailing Address
Clear Signature
Zone Change
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Step 1 of 3

Section 1

Name (s) of Property Owner (s)
Name (s) of Property Owner (s)
Name of Applicant (s)
Name of Applicant (s)
Rezone Application
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Step 1 of 2

In accordance with Mesilla Town Code (MTC) 18.90 – AMMENDMENTS, SUPPLEMENTS, REPEALS a hearing is necessary. No less than 15 days or more than 40 days upon receipt of application being submitted. Planning and Zoning Historical Appropriateness Commission (PZHAC) shall review and give recommendations for approval to the Board of Trustees (BOT) which shall give final consideration.

Name of Property Owner
Property Address
Mailing Address
Clear Signature



Special Events
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Step 1 of 2
License valid March 15 of year applied through March 15 of following year. ($35 business license fee is required)
PLEASE NOTE: The location code for reporting gross receipts taxes earned in the Town of Mesilla is 07-303. The current tax rate is 8.1875% as of July 2015. To obtain a NM CRS Tax ID number, contact the NM Taxation and Revenue Department, 2540 El Paseo, Bldg. 2, Las Cruces, NM 88001; (575) 524-6225 or visit
Mercado Vendor Business Registration Application
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Step 1 of 5
Business Registration Application is:
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Film Permit
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Step 1 of 4

*All permits must be submitted at least 30 days prior to date of request.

  1. Obtain liability insurance in the amount of $1 million naming the Town of Mesilla as additionally insured.
  2. Complete the application
  3. Sign the declaration section
  4. Attach a description and a sketch or traffic control plan of the film site and/or route.
  5. Contact the Town of Mesilla at (575) 524-3262 ext. 116 to have your application reviewed and signed by the Film Permit Committee as described at the end of this application.
  6. Once all of the Film Permit Committee signatures are acquired, this application becomes the film
  7. Fees (Please make checks payable to Town of Mesilla; payment due prior to filming)
    1. Refundable Cleaning and Damage Deposit $150.00 (If applicable, deposit will be returned within 14 days)
    2. User Fee and Administrative Fee for Filming in the Town of Mesilla
      1. Motion pictures, commercials $25.00 per day
      2. Student or non-profit
        $10.00 per day
    3. Public Safety Fees (if required)
      1. Marshal’s Department Support (If security, traffic control, road closures required) $55.00 per hour per deputy
      2. Fire Department Support (if required)
        1. Brush truck with two firefighters - $75.00 per hour
        2. Engine with four firefighters - $150.00 per hour
        3. EMTs (2) - $75.00 per hour
    4. If road closures are included, production company must employ a barricade company
    5. Mesilla Plaza Rental Fee (if needed)
      1. Number of People on Plaza
        1. Motion pictures, commercials
          1. 1-55 people $200.00 per day
          2. 56-165 people $500.00 per day
          3. 166-400 people $750.00 per day
          4. 401-999 people $1,000.00 per day
          5. 1,000-1,999 people $2,000.00 per day
          6. Over 2,000 people $4,000.00 per day
        2. Student or Non-Profit
          1. Any number of people, $25.00 per day

* Checks should be made payable to Town of Mesilla. Mailing address is Town of Mesilla, P.O. Box 10, Mesilla, NM 88046; Physical address is 2231 Avenida de Mesilla, Mesilla, NM 88046

Note: A copy of this application is retained by the film office to respond to all public inquiries. The applicant shall retain the original signed permit at all times on-site during filming.

Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 5 files.
Temporary Events: Plaza Rental Form
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Step 1 of 9
Temporary Events: Community Center Rental Form
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Step 1 of 7
Temporary Events: Park Rental Form
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Step 1 of 8

Economic & Community Development Department Team

Edward Salazar

Economic & Community Development Director

Liana Aguirre

Historic Preservation Specialist

Dorothy Sellers

Special Event Coordinator