A deposit is required in order to reserve your space.There is no alcohol allowed on Town premises without prior approval by the Town.
LOCAL STREET CLOSURE FEE: $250.00 per street per day. (Site plan and Street closure map must be included with application.)
TRAFFIC CONTROL: Public Safety fees, if required, will be $55 per hour per deputy.
BARRIERS AND TEMPORARY STRUCTURES: Barriers and temporary structures must be detailed on the site plan. A public safety plan, crowd managers and/or fire guard may be required and must be approved by Mesilla Fire Department.
Insurance and other provisions will be required when serving, consuming or selling alcohol. All alcohol sales require a New Mexico License.
**Must be licensed within the Town of Mesilla to serve/distribute Alcohol.
*Applicant must supply security and fencing for entire area where alcohol will be served and consumed.
If you would like to hold the reservation with a credit card number please call 575-524-3262 with the following: Credit Card Number, Expiration, CCV, Name on Card, and Billing Address as it appears on your statement.
Signing below acknowledges the applicant agrees to the conditions included on this form:
*All rental times include set-up and break-down.
I understand by signing below that my deposit may be held in part/whole if any of the above violations occur.
The applicant will pay a $150.00 flat rate for use of kitchen, with a separate $200.00 deposit.
Community Center
The Town of Mesilla will provide a push broom for the applicant to use after the event has concluded. The Town of Mesilla will not provide extra trash bags. It is the applicant's responsibility to bring their own trash bags and dispose of them at the end of the event. If clean-up is not approved, the deposit will not be returned. “Clean-up” includes:
The applicant will abide by capacity limitations as follows: